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Deutschlandstipendium awards ceremony

By participating in this program, donors show their trust and appreciation in the students at the University of Freiburg.

Deutschlandstipendium awards ceremony - Read More…

The 2022/23 Academic Year has begun

Rector Prof. Dr. Kerstin Krieglstein sets the tone about sustainability and the Sustainable University during the ceremony

The 2022/23 Academic Year has begun - Read More…

Welcome to the 2022/23 winter semester

The administration at the University of Freiburg wishes all students a successful and enriching semester

Welcome to the 2022/23 winter semester - Read More…

Opening of the Academic Year

The interested public can follow the ceremony with Rector Prof. Dr. Kerstin Krieglstein via live stream

Opening of the Academic Year - Read More…

Opening of the NEXUS Lab

NEXUS Experiments platform moves into IMBIT and researches human-technology interaction there

Opening of the NEXUS Lab - Read More…

Artistic bacterial cultures

Barbara Di Ventura uses the full potential of synthetic biology to develop therapies against cancer

Artistic bacterial cultures - Read More…

Introducing the Mittelbau Initiative (Mid-Level Initiative)

Lea von Berg and Paul Meuleneers on the reasons and goals behind the interdisciplinary initiative

Introducing the Mittelbau Initiative (Mid-Level Initiative) - Read More…

“Shanghai Ranking” - University of Freiburg garners fifth place in Germany

Freiburg continues to rank among the best 101-150 universities in the world. In four subject-specific rankings, the University of Freiburg is among the top 75 worldwide.

“Shanghai Ranking” - University of Freiburg garners fifth place in Germany - Read More…

Algae rather than toxins on facades

The interdisciplinary project NAVEBGO is developing strategies to reduce the use of biocides in exterior paints

Algae rather than toxins on facades - Read More…

All faculties participating in drafts for Clusters of Excellence

All faculties participating in drafts for Clusters of Excellence

In addition to the two existing Clusters of Excellence, seven cluster initiatives are beginning preparation of their applications to the Cluster of Excellence funding line of the Excellence Strategy of the federal and state governments

All faculties participating in drafts for Clusters of Excellence - Read More…

“nanodiag BW” network successful in future cluster competition

New technology to analyze molecules could enable better diagnosis and treatment of diseases such as Alzheimer's and cancer

“nanodiag BW” network successful in future cluster competition - Read More…

Rapid Helium Atoms

Experimental physicist Frank Stienkemeier studies the rapid transmission of energy

Rapid Helium Atoms - Read More…

Shifting the Energy System in the Trinational Upper Rhine Region to Solar and Wind Power

A short film introduces the Renewable Energy Sources in the Trinational Metropolitan Region Oberrhein (RES-TMO) project, which is investigating the technological, economic, and societal conditions of energy transformation in the Upper Rhine, or Oberrhein, region.

Shifting the Energy System in the Trinational Upper Rhine Region to Solar and Wind Power - Read More…

Videos about German Diversity Day – in the shadows of the war in Ukraine

The University of Freiburg celebrates the 10th anniversary of German Diversity Day on May 31st with a video campaign and draws special attention to current programs for refugees.

Videos about German Diversity Day – in the shadows of the war in Ukraine - Read More…

University Teaching Award: Nominations can be submitted until 13.06.2022

Students and teachers are invited to nominate award winners for the University Teaching Award and the Special Award for Student Engagement via the Study Commission.

University Teaching Award: Nominations can be submitted until 13.06.2022 - Read More…

The “unusual story of a strong woman and passionate scientist”

Students organized the exhibition “Between Florence & Freiburg” about Margrit Lisner, the first female professor of art history at the University of Freiburg

The “unusual story of a strong woman and passionate scientist” - Read More…