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research & discover

research and discover

University of Freiburg researchers transcend the traditional boundaries between the disciplines, working together to advance scientific knowledge and work out solutions to the great challenges of the future.


Trust in the government and the media

Trust in the government and the media

Political scientists investigate how people’s fears and behavior have changed during the pandemic

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Viewed in Perspective: the World after Corona

Viewed in Perspective: the World after Corona

Futurologist Michael Schetsche sees many changes ahead in the working world and the educational system

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When teachers explain

When teachers explain

Education researcher Mona Weinhuber wins Early Career Award

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Intelligent Aircraft Wings Could Save Fuel

Intelligent Aircraft Wings Could Save Fuel

Chris Eberl develops unit cells – these miniature building blocks give materials special capabilities

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Eddy-fying Research

Eddy-fying Research

Freiburg researchers can measure even the slightest air pressure fluctuations between the forest floor and the atmosphere – this promises new discoveries about greenhouse gases and climate protection

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Political Pitch

Political Pitch

How government leaders’ manner of expression and sound often reveal more about them than they actually say

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Award-winning measuring technology at a nano scale

Award-winning measuring technology at a nano scale

Joint research group of the University of Freiburg’s Department of Microsystems Engineering and the Humboldt University Berlin receives Helmholtz Prize

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One Virus, Many Small Waves

One Virus, Many Small Waves

The infectious disease expert Winfried Kern doesn’t expect the pandemic to end anytime soon and that there will continue to be localized outbreaks of Covid-19

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Humans and Hedgehogs

Humans and Hedgehogs

Sharing a neighborhood with feathery or furry critters isn’t always an idyllic fairy-tale – Fanny Betge would like to improve awareness of how to coexist correctly with wildlife living nearby

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A culinary time journey

A culinary time journey

Literary studies specialist René Waßmer investigates to what extent restaurants were originally places of leisure

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