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promote and commit

Foundations, funding organizations, alumni, and friends of the university – they all do their part to help students and young researchers at the University of Freiburg realize their full potential.

Here’s the way!

Here’s the way!

The online platform “Sorgen-Tagebuch“ (“Worry Diary“) helps people deal with their problems and mental disorders

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String by String

String by String

The Hauser Foundation loans a viola, a cello, and a violin to students each year

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Keep moving

Keep moving

The Adolf Haeuser Foundation funds, among other things, training mats, surfboards and devices to analyze movement

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Kick-off for the 2017/2018 academic year

Kick-off for the 2017/2018 academic year

More than 50 young researchers will be honored on October 18, 2017

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Good spirits clad in green

Good spirits clad in green

A guided tour of the Botanic Garden through Magic, Myth and Medicine

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Researching in the Border Triangle

Researching in the Border Triangle

The regional foundation ‘Regio-Stiftung’ funds projects related to Basel, Freiburg and Strasbourg

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Hunters and gatherers

Hunters and gatherers

Adrian Hiss took 509 empty cardboard toilet paper rolls to Ivory Coast for his field research. He brought back 2,000 termites

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Supporting Research on Freiburg and South Baden

Supporting Research on Freiburg and South Baden

The Anniversary Foundation of the City of Freiburg supports students conducting research on regional topics.

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More than just a picnic

More than just a picnic

The funding association Alumni Freiburg e.V. subsidizes excursion at the University of Freiburg

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The gift of joy

The gift of joy

The Schüle Scheuermann Foundation supports chronically ill children at the Freiburg Center for Pediatrics

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