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Oldest extant plant has adapted to extremes and is threatened by climate change

Oldest extant plant has adapted to extremes and is threatened by climate change

A comprehensive study led by scientists from Freiburg and Beijing has characterized the adaptations of the moss Takakia to high altitudes and documented its population decline.

Oldest extant plant has adapted to extremes and is threatened by climate change - Read More…

Bronze Age Arrowhead from Mörigen was made from Meteorite

Bronze Age Arrowhead from Mörigen was made from Meteorite

Freiburg physicist provided evidence for interdisciplinary project by the Natural History Museum Bern

Bronze Age Arrowhead from Mörigen was made from Meteorite - Read More…

The University election results are in

Members of the Senate and the (Grand) Faculty Councils have been elected

The University election results are in - Read More…

Robotically manufactured timber construction as a model for resource-efficient construction

Robotically manufactured timber construction as a model for resource-efficient construction

Scientists from the Universities of Freiburg and Stuttgart research new approaches to sustainable construction at the "livMatS Biomimetic Shell @ FIT"

Robotically manufactured timber construction as a model for resource-efficient construction - Read More…

Publication of guide for municipal promotion of a sustainable food economy

The new guide was developed within the framework of the BMBF-funded research project KERNiG at the University of Freiburg

Publication of guide for municipal promotion of a sustainable food economy - Read More…

Gender-neutral restrooms, influencers, plastic waste

Students from the Universities of Freiburg and Würzburg explain everyday phenomena from a cultural studies perspective on YouTube

Gender-neutral restrooms, influencers, plastic waste - Read More…

History and Stories of the University of Freiburg

History and Stories of the University of Freiburg

In Rudolf-Werner Dreier’s new book, the author tells of the pursuit of autonomy and academic recognition, formative individuals and the meaning of “mensa” rice pudding

History and Stories of the University of Freiburg - Read More…

Understanding and using the “language of life”

In the podcast “Exzellent erklärt” (excellent explanation), scientists from the Freiburg Cluster of Excellence CIBSS talk about their research on biological signals (in German language)

Understanding and using the “language of life” - Read More…

University Administration Outing

University Administration Outing

The Central Administration (ZUV) of the University of Freiburg will have limited availability on 11 July 2023

University Administration Outing - Read More…

Study shows greater emotional exhaustion among maths teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic

Longitudinal study by a team of researchers led by Thamar Voss, an educational scholar from Freiburg, together with researchers from Frankfurt, Potsdam, and Kiel, investigated the period from 2007-2022

Study shows greater emotional exhaustion among maths teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic - Read More…

Alwin Daus is the new tenure track professor for sensors at the University of Freiburg

Alwin Daus is the new tenure track professor for sensors at the University of Freiburg

The electrical engineer will investigate, among other things, novel thin-film materials at the Department of Microsystems Engineering

Alwin Daus is the new tenure track professor for sensors at the University of Freiburg - Read More…

QS Rankings: University of Freiburg under the top ten in Germany

Ranked 5th among comprehensive universities - ranked 4th in sustainability - ranked 192nd among the top 1,500 worldwide

QS Rankings: University of Freiburg under the top ten in Germany - Read More…

Advancing quantum technology with spintronics

Sabine Richert awarded the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Prize of the German Research Foundation

Advancing quantum technology with spintronics - Read More…