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Forschungsprofil (Thomas Kunz) 722x260

Research Profile

The University of Freiburg aims to sharpen the research profile and become a laboratory for new research ideas. The following press releases and articles from the online magazine show ideas, measures, and projects in that field.

Inspired by life
An ERC Starting Grant helps chemist Andreas Walther investigate materials which can act autonomously
Intangible and everywhere at the same time
Marc Schumann is looking for dark matter – to find nothing would be a relevant finding for him too
Ten years of excellent research
Spemann Graduate School of Biology and Medicine and BIOSS Centre for Biological Signalling Studies are joining forces to organize a symposium
Idleness is the beginning of every piece of work
Freiburg researchers exam the various forms of idleness
The art of engineering in miniature
Junior research group BioEPIC makes electrodes for use inside the human body
Can do anything – but don’t have to
A cultural history of leisure explains why doing nothing is sometimes helpful
From mind to movement
The NeuroBots team has developed robots which can be steered by thought