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Magazine Collection

Safe on Campus

Safe on Campus

How members of the university can protect themselves from attacks in public areas

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Creating good standards

Creating good standards

Martin Boeker bundles and standardizes medical data – and creates one more cornerstone for personalized medicine

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Time and Space for Research

Time and Space for Research

Fellowships and Funding Programs at the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies

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Artistic auditorium

Artistic auditorium

Explaining one’s own research and exciting the crowd in ten minutes – clear the stage for the Science Slam

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Chemistry cruise

Chemistry cruise

Nearly thirty Nobel laureates discuss, cruise and enjoy good food – a doctoral candidate from Freiburg was along for the ride

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Launching a career through CORA

Launching a career through CORA

Applications for the program “CORA – Coaching Women for Research and Academia“ by female researchers at the University of Freiburg are being accepted until July 30, 2017

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“An Alumnus in the University Council and the Stifterverband”

“An Alumnus in the University Council and the Stifterverband”

Andreas Barner will be holding a lecture in the series “Über Forschung, Lehre und Karrierewege – Zukunftsperspektiven der Universität Freiburg” (On Research, Teaching, and Career Paths: Future Prospects of the University of Freiburg)

“An Alumnus in the University Council and the Stifterverband” - Read More…

So that’s how it works!

So that’s how it works!

Using the tagline “Knowledge. Amazement. Participation,” around 60 exhibitors will reveal the secrets of science

So that’s how it works! - Read More…

Security, overtime, and question time

Security, overtime, and question time

University of Freiburg Staff Council General Meeting, 13 July 2017

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To read and be read

To read and be read

The state universities in Baden-Württemberg are demanding fair pricing and better conditions from scientific publishers

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Brave new layer

Brave new layer

Surfaces with the lotus effect are to become more robust - helped by snakes and lizards

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Discovering coins anew

Discovering coins anew

State initiative „niche fields“ supports educational projects in the Department of Ancient History

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The Sound of the Summer of Love

The Sound of the Summer of Love

The makers of the exhibition about the legendary music of the 1960s present their favorite records

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Researching in the Border Triangle

Researching in the Border Triangle

The regional foundation ‘Regio-Stiftung’ funds projects related to Basel, Freiburg and Strasbourg

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Hunters and gatherers

Hunters and gatherers

Adrian Hiss took 509 empty cardboard toilet paper rolls to Ivory Coast for his field research. He brought back 2,000 termites

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Vote and Take Part in Decisions

Vote and Take Part in Decisions

University and Student Government Election on July 4, 2017

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Knowledge breeds trust

Knowledge breeds trust

University alliance German U15 publishes magazine with an article by Freiburg historian Ulrich Herbert.

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The value of talking face to face

The value of talking face to face

The Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies provides information on funding opportunities - using a new format

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Premiere for the summer festival

Premiere for the summer festival

Staff council invites all university employees to the Ganter Biergarten on 29.06.2017

Premiere for the summer festival - Read More…