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Lianhuanhua – Chinese Comics as a Specific Cultural Form

Lianhuanhua – Chinese Comics as a Specific Cultural Form

University of Freiburg Sinologist Lena Henningsen receives Consolidator Grant from European Research Council (ERC)

Lianhuanhua – Chinese Comics as a Specific Cultural Form - Read More…

Motile Sperm and Frequent Abortions in Spreading Earthmoss

Motile Sperm and Frequent Abortions in Spreading Earthmoss

Freiburg researchers discover that sperm motility and anchoring of the spore capsule in the spreading earthmoss Physcomitrella are influenced by the auxin transporter PINC.

Motile Sperm and Frequent Abortions in Spreading Earthmoss - Read More…

Evolutionary Tuning of a Cellular “Powerhouse”

Evolutionary Tuning of a Cellular “Powerhouse”

Researchers in Freiburg and Bonn provide the first comprehensive mapping of the protein machineries in the mitochondria, the powerhouses of the cell

Evolutionary Tuning of a Cellular “Powerhouse” - Read More…

Actin affects the spread of cancer in several ways

The transport of molecules along the cell’s skeleton plays a role in cancer metastasis, Freiburg researchers show

Actin affects the spread of cancer in several ways - Read More…

Sugar-based inhibitors disarm the pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Sugar-based inhibitors disarm the pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Researchers from University Freiburg develop promising active ingredient to combat multi-resistant bacteria.

Sugar-based inhibitors disarm the pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa - Read More…

Newly discovered surface structures may affect immune function

Newly discovered surface structures may affect immune function

Freiburg researchers describe a ridge network on the membrane of B lymphocytes for the first time

Newly discovered surface structures may affect immune function - Read More…

Formation of pores in mitochondrial membrane elucidated

Formation of pores in mitochondrial membrane elucidated

Study by a team of researchers from Freiburg and Kyoto investigates formation of beta-barrel membrane proteins that make up the pores

Formation of pores in mitochondrial membrane elucidated - Read More…

Innovation Campus Sustainability included in state budget

The state parliament of Baden-Württemberg will provide funding in the 2023/2024 budget for the joint project “Transformations for Urban Regions of the Future: Climate Protection, Resource Efficiency and Well-Being” from the University of Freiburg and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Innovation Campus Sustainability included in state budget - Read More…

Holiday opening hours

The University buildings and the University Library will not be open for several days

Holiday opening hours - Read More…

New findings on neuronal activities in the sensorimotor cortex

New findings on neuronal activities in the sensorimotor cortex

Interdisciplinary team at the University of Freiburg studies freely moving individuals using 3D tracking

New findings on neuronal activities in the sensorimotor cortex - Read More…

Publication of the Cambridge Handbook of Responsible Artificial Intelligence

Publication of the Cambridge Handbook of Responsible Artificial Intelligence

Researchers from the University of Freiburg present interdisciplinary perspectives on responsible artificial intelligence

Publication of the Cambridge Handbook of Responsible Artificial Intelligence - Read More…

Development of the immune system before and after birth

Development of the immune system before and after birth

New Collaborative Research Center - Transregio PILOT under the auspices of the University of Freiburg

Development of the immune system before and after birth - Read More…

Thousandth entry in the Musicals Encyclopedia at the University of Freiburg

Online project aims to document all original performances and premieres of musicals in the German-speaking world since 1945

Thousandth entry in the Musicals Encyclopedia at the University of Freiburg - Read More…