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Changes in Office of Public Relations

Nicolas Scherger is now press officer for the University of Freiburg, Rimma Gerenstein is his deputy

Freiburg, Mar 01, 2019

Changes in Office of Public Relations 1

Nicolas Scherger und Rimma Gerenstein. Photo: Jürgen Gocke

At the end of February 2019, Rudolf-Werner Dreier retired as Head of Public Relations and Public Affairs and Press Officer at the University of Freiburg. His successor as Acting Head of Staff and Press Officer is Nicolas Scherger. Rimma Gerenstein is Acting Head of the Public Relations Department and Deputy Press Officer. Both have been working in the public relations department at the University of Freiburg since 2010. Their previous work focused on press work and the editorial management of the central university publications. The University is currently developing an overall concept for the future orientation of cross-media university communication, on the basis of which the position will be advertised and filled.

Rudolf-Werner Dreier had been the press officer for the University of Freiburg since 1983. Among the numerous institutions, formats and events that he initiated include Uniradio and uni.TV, the Uni-Magazin and all subsequent central print publications, the Freiburg science market, the first-semester family afternoon, the rector's Summer Ball, organ and blood donation campaigns at the University Medical Center, the international alumni meeting and the 550th anniversary of the University of Freiburg in 2007. He also published a history of the University of Freiburg from its beginnings to the present in 1991. In 2012, he was voted “Research Spokesperson of the Year” in the category “Research Institutes and Institutes of Higher Learning” in a survey of science journalists and in 2014 in an open online vote. In December 2018, the University of Freiburg awarded him the University Medal for his outstanding contribution to the establishment of a worldwide alumni network. Rudolf-Werner Dreier will continue to play a prominent role in his alma mater as Honorary Managing Director of the Alumni Association Freiburg (Alumni Freiburg e.V.).


The Office of Public Relations team2


For more information about Rudolf-Werner Dreier


Nicolas Scherger
Office of Public Relations
University of Freiburg
Tel.: 0761/203-4301

Rimma Gerenstein
Office of Public Relations
University of Freiburg
Tel.: 0761/203-8812