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promote & commit

promote and commit

Foundations, funding organizations, alumni, and friends of the university – they all do their part to help students and young researchers at the University of Freiburg realize their full potential.

Students lend a helping hand during the pandemic

Students lend a helping hand during the pandemic

Medical student organization receives the Alumni Prize for social commitment

Students lend a helping hand during the pandemic - Read More…

“Launchpad” promotes young researchers

“Launchpad” promotes young researchers

The Cluster of Excellence CIBSS offers a funding program to postdocs for independent research

“Launchpad” promotes young researchers - Read More…

Call for nominations for the Alumni Prize

Freiburg alumni association honors social commitment - nominations to be submitted by 5 September 2020.

Call for nominations for the Alumni Prize - Read More…

Up to 900 Euros as a Safety Net

Up to 900 Euros as a Safety Net

The University of Freiburg has a new financial aid program to help students who are adversely affected by the coronavirus crisis

Up to 900 Euros as a Safety Net - Read More…

Equipped for the Next Wave

Equipped for the Next Wave

Around 1,500 students have registered as medical helpers – two of them report on their experiences on the ward

Equipped for the Next Wave - Read More…

A Car in Court

A Car in Court

Legal researcher Moritz Hennemann examines the role autonomous systems could play in future legislation

A Car in Court - Read More…

Joined in spirit

Joined in spirit

Legal expert and STAY! fellow Rike Sinder is investigating how the right of assembly in Germany is being changed by virtual spaces

Joined in spirit - Read More…

Guest and Nuisance

Guest and Nuisance

Students investigate the complex relationship Barcelona has with tourism

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“Welcome appreciation”

“Welcome appreciation”

Alumni prize for social involvement goes to student sustainability initiative

“Welcome appreciation” - Read More…

Making Traveling to Conferences Greener

Making Traveling to Conferences Greener

The Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Freiburg (Freiburg Science Society) has decided that, in the future, it will provide conference travel grants only to applicants who make eco-friendly travel plans

Making Traveling to Conferences Greener - Read More…