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experience & get involved

experience and get involved

Experience a campus that is colorful, entertaining, and informative: The University of Freiburg provides its students, staff, and faculty an environment in which it is a pleasure to study, to research, and to live.

Pay Agreements, Parking Fees, and a Cultural Shift

Pay Agreements, Parking Fees, and a Cultural Shift

All University of Freiburg employees are invited to attend a staff meeting on 18 December 2019

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Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Students at the University of Freiburg are organizing a waste reduction campaign week

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Magnifying the microscopic

Magnifying the microscopic

During the “Mouse Door Opener Day”, children learned about light microscopy at the Life Imaging Center

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Digitalization for first-year students

Digitalization for first-year students

A new app from the University of Freiburg helps first-year students get a jumpstart on their university experience

Digitalization for first-year students - Read More…

Sites of Stillness

Sites of Stillness

An interactive map shows places all over the world where people experience otium, or leisure

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Epicurius and the joy of learning

Epicurius and the joy of learning

Cornelius Kopf writes for the student philosophy magazine “Die FUNZEL”

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Is everything different here?

Is everything different here?

International participants from the Summer University explain what surprised them about Germany

Is everything different here? - Read More…

Setting mile markers for environmental protection

Setting mile markers for environmental protection

Student initiatives bring together their activities in a sustainability office

Setting mile markers for environmental protection - Read More…

Graffers and the City

Graffers and the City

Street art artists depict developments in the field of artificial intelligence (AI)

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Daily Aesthetics

Daily Aesthetics

Students say which artworks on campus they find stimulating

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