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An exact date of burial?

An exact date of burial?

Why researchers doubt the widely-accepted date of the destruction of Pompei

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A Model for the Arab World

A Model for the Arab World

Islamic Studies researcher Simon Wolfgang Fuchs studies how the Iranian Revolution influenced other Muslim countries in the 1970s

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Many roads lead to Rome

Many roads lead to Rome

Workshops teach students to cope with doubt and take good decisions

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Summer heat, health and security

Summer heat, health and security

All employees are invited to attend the staff meeting on December 6, 2018

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Learning landscapes

Learning landscapes

With the help of a smartphone app from the University of Freiburg, students can expand their expertise in the feld

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The WhatsApp of the Middle Ages

The WhatsApp of the Middle Ages

A computer program is to help fathom the linguistic nuances of Church Slavonic

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Cross-border student

Cross-border student

Moritz Faist has embarked on a Swiss adventure through the Eucor network

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Birds of a Feather Flock Together?

Birds of a Feather Flock Together?

Freiburg researchers are studying tree growth in monocultures and mixed cultures

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A Hothouse Career

A Hothouse Career

Trainees and apprentices tell of their daily routines as gardeners, laboratory chemists, or precision mechanics

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Science manager and networker

Science manager and networker

Rector Hans-Jochen Schiewer has been nominated for the title “Higher Education Manager of the Year 2018”

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Thoughts of inspiration

Thoughts of inspiration

The psychologist Fritz Renner studies the ways in which visual imagination can help patients with depression

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Mipster Fashion

Mipster Fashion

How young bloggers are reinventing the image of Muslim women

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Intelligent Distribution

Intelligent Distribution

How the energy transition can succeed with the help of flexible electrical grids

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Often copied but never matched

Often copied but never matched

Why heroes inspire, polarize – and need the applause of their admirers

Often copied but never matched - Read More…

Questions Welcome

Questions Welcome

The student training center, the Faculty of Medicine’s Skills Lab, is celebrating its tenth anniversary

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Illuminating Cells, Instead of Cooking Them

Illuminating Cells, Instead of Cooking Them

The startup opto biolabs, a spinoff from the University of Freiburg, is taking optogenetics to the next level

Illuminating Cells, Instead of Cooking Them - Read More…

Help in Times of Need

Help in Times of Need

A financial aid service "Studienstarthilfe" helps to bridge monetary shortfalls as young people start their studies.

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A wasteful interim phase

A wasteful interim phase

Historian Franz-Josef Brüggemeier analyses the age of coal in Europe

A wasteful interim phase - Read More…

Whip sand and pixels until they form soft peaks

Whip sand and pixels until they form soft peaks

Lab experiments and software models help Geoscience students to better understand how mountain ranges are made

Whip sand and pixels until they form soft peaks - Read More…