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How surface roughness influences the adhesion of soft materials

Research team discovers universal mechanism that leads to adhesion hysteresis in soft materials

How surface roughness influences the adhesion of soft materials - Read More…

Jürgen Kleine-Vehn is the new speaker for Freiburg’s CIBSS Cluster of Excellence

Since January, plant scientist Professor Jürgen Kleine-Vehn has rounded off the team of three speakers at the University of Freiburg’s Cluster of Excellence CIBSS – Centre for Integrative Biological Signalling Studies. He gave an interview about what he finds so fascinating about researching biological signals, and what is special about the University of Freiburg.

Jürgen Kleine-Vehn is the new speaker for Freiburg’s CIBSS Cluster of Excellence - Read More…

First Step Toward Early Diagnosis of Metastasis

First Step Toward Early Diagnosis of Metastasis

Team involving the University of Freiburg has developed a new analytical method for the basement membrane in human lungs

First Step Toward Early Diagnosis of Metastasis - Read More…

Using Data to Improve Understanding of Relationships between Proteins and Diseases

Using Data to Improve Understanding of Relationships between Proteins and Diseases

Working with a new Emmy Noether Group, Dr. Pascal Schlosser is investigating how machine learning can aid in understanding the complex relationships between genes, proteins, and diseases

Using Data to Improve Understanding of Relationships between Proteins and Diseases - Read More…

Statement by the University of Freiburg for diversity and mutual respect

Given the current political and social events surrounding the war in the Middle East, the University of Freiburg is also receiving an increasing number of enquiries, particularly regarding the role of the University and offers of help for its members. In line with the diversity of our members, the enquiries cover a broad spectrum of opinions.

Statement by the University of Freiburg for diversity and mutual respect - Read More…

Statement by the University of Freiburg Senate against racism and anti-Semitism

The University of Freiburg Senate passed a resolution against racism and anti-Semitism at its meeting on 21 February 2024.

Statement by the University of Freiburg Senate against racism and anti-Semitism - Read More…

Spy-satellite images offer insights into historical ecosystem changes

New study advocates the use of more than one million declassified images for ecology and conservation.

Spy-satellite images offer insights into historical ecosystem changes - Read More…

The Young Academy for Sustainability Research is going into another round

The Eva Mayr-Stihl Foundation is extending 1.26 million euros of support for the Young Academy for Sustainability Research (YAS) until 2027, with even greater internationalisation among its aims for this next round.

The Young Academy for Sustainability Research is going into another round - Read More…

Strengthening the impact of Freiburg’s research

The University of Freiburg has been successful in the current round of the Excellence Strategy of the German federal and state governments.

Strengthening the impact of Freiburg’s research - Read More…

3D-printed pneumatic modules replace electric controls in soft robots

3D-printed pneumatic modules replace electric controls in soft robots

Research team at the University of Freiburg develops 3D-printed pneumatic logic modules that control the movements of soft robots using only air pressure

3D-printed pneumatic modules replace electric controls in soft robots - Read More…

Most international universities 2024

The University of Freiburg is one of the hundred most international universities in the world

Most international universities 2024 - Read More…

The Sustainability Innovation Campus is Launched

The Sustainability Innovation Campus is Launched

The fifth Innovation Campus in Baden-Württemberg aims to provide scientific guidance for the transformation to a sustainable lifestyle

The Sustainability Innovation Campus is Launched - Read More…

Maturation instead of cell death: Defective signalling pathways disrupt immune cell development

Researchers at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Freiburg discover key factor in the development of immune cells / New approaches for the treatment of ALPS

Maturation instead of cell death: Defective signalling pathways disrupt immune cell development - Read More…

Red deer populations in Europe: more influenced by humans than by wolves and other predators

An international study shows that human hunting and land use have a decisive influence on red deer density in Europe. Red deer density is only reduced when wolves, lynx and bears co-occur at the same site. Research findings shed new light on the wolf’s return to Central Europe.

Red deer populations in Europe: more influenced by humans than by wolves and other predators - Read More…

Key player in viral heart inflammation discovered

Inflammation of the heart muscle following a viral infection can impede cardiac function in the long term

Key player in viral heart inflammation discovered - Read More…

Humboldt Foundation appoints Prof. Dr. Daniel B. Werz as Humboldt scouting sponsor for early career researchers

Humboldt Foundation appoints Prof. Dr. Daniel B. Werz as Humboldt scouting sponsor for early career researchers

Support for scientists in early career phases: The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation's Henriette Herz Scouting Programme invites international researchers to conduct joint research projects in Germany. As a scout, Prof. Dr Daniel B. Werz from the Institute of Organic Chemistry at the University of Freiburg now has the opportunity to bring three excellent scientists in the early stages of their careers to Freiburg, funded by the Humboldt Foundation.

Humboldt Foundation appoints Prof. Dr. Daniel B. Werz as Humboldt scouting sponsor for early career researchers - Read More…