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Support for women academics on the path to a professorship

Apply now: Invitation to Apply to the coaching programme ”CORA - Coaching Women for Research and Academia” continues until 15 July 2024.

Freiburg, May 24, 2024

Within the Department for Equality, Diversity and Academic Personnel Development, the University of Freiburg offers the key career support programme, CORA, for outstanding researchers and academics.

CORA is aimed at women with completed doctorates, postdocs, junior professors and group leaders from all faculties who would like to play an active role in shaping their professional futures and are aspiring to a professorial career or other leading position in academe and research. Those who take part benefit from individual coaching for up to eight sessions per participant as well as exclusive training, regular peer group meetings, and the development of a network of academics and researchers.

The new programme round will begin in October 2024. Candidates may submit applications until Monday, 15 July 2024 here. Intersex, non-binary, transgender and agender individuals are welcome to apply.

Promote diversity and chart career paths

The objective of CORA  is to provide special support for women in the post-doctoral phase and beyond in order to keep them working in research and academe. As such, CORA is a key measure for supporting equal opportunity at the University of Freiburg. It contributes to preventing women from abandoning their academic careers. The cause of promoting women on the path to professorships is at the heart of the university’s equal opportunity strategy, which is described among other places in the Equal Opportunity Concept for Parity.