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Signing the partnership agreement: for Nagoya University Vice President Prof. Dr. Norimi Mizutani and President Prof. Dr. Naoshi Sugiyama and for the University of Freiburg Rector Prof. Dr. Kerstin Krieglstein, Vice Rector of Teaching and Learning Prof. Dr. Michael Schwarze, former Vice Rector of Internationalisation and Sustainability Prof. Dr. Daniela Kleinschmit, and Vice Rector for Research and Innovation Prof. Dr. Stefan Rensing (r to l)

Signing the partnership agreement: for Nagoya University Vice President Prof. Dr. Norimi Mizutani and President Prof. Dr. Naoshi Sugiyama and for the University of Freiburg Rector Prof. Dr. Kerstin Krieglstein, Vice Rector of Teaching and Learning Prof. Dr. Michael Schwarze, former Vice Rector of Internationalisation and Sustainability Prof. Dr. Daniela Kleinschmit, and Vice Rector for Research and Innovation Prof. Dr. Stefan Rensing (r to l)
Signing the partnership agreement: for Nagoya University Vice President Prof. Dr. Norimi Mizutani and President Prof. Dr. Naoshi Sugiyama and for the University of Freiburg Rector Prof. Dr. Kerstin Krieglstein, Vice Rector of Teaching and Learning Prof. Dr. Michael Schwarze, former Vice Rector of Internationalisation and Sustainability Prof. Dr. Daniela Kleinschmit, and Vice Rector for Research and Innovation Prof. Dr. Stefan Rensing (r to l)
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