Living history of the city
Freiburg, Oct 10, 2018
Researchers present life in early modern Freiburg on the basis of historical persons from various groups. The regional history section of the University of Freiburg’s Historisches Seminar invites history buffs to ten lectures in the series “Auf Jahr und Tag” (To the year and a day). The talks will take place every 14 days, Mondays from 7pm in the Audimax, Kollegiengebäude II, Platz der Alten Synagoge 1. Freiburg historian Dr. Martin Lehmann gets the ball rolling on Monday, 22 October 2018 with his lecture on Martin Waldseemüller, cartography and Humanism.
The speakers present historical persons such as Ursuline Euphemia Dorer, the publisher Bartholomä Herder, the politician Karl von Rotteck, the dermatologist Bertha Ottenstein, and many more people of Freiburg in their everyday lives. They shed light on Humanism as well as architecture, art and science, the role of the Church, schools, and charity back in the day. The resistance to National Socialism is also discussed in a lecture on resistance fighter Gertrud Luckner.
The lectures are in German. Admission is free; there is no need to register. The events are organized by the regional history section of the University of Freiburg Historisches Seminar, the Alemannisches Institut, the Breisgau historical association Schau-ins-Land, the Landesverein Badische Heimat, the Münsterbauverein Freiburg and the Freiburg city archive.
Further information and program
Dr. Heinz Krieg
Historisches Seminar, Landesgeschichte
University of Freiburg
Phone: 0761 / 203-3457