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Teaching Information Portal

A new platform groups teaching and education news and offers

Freiburg, Nov 30, 2017

Teaching Information Portal

Photo: kasto/Fotolia

Which continuing professional development courses does the university offer for its instructors? How can they best serve students who turn to them seeking help? And which educational formats are advantageous for colleagues? After a few mouse clicks it all becomes clear. The “Teaching Information Portal” (Informationsportal Lehre) groups news, offers, and services of the University of Freiburg with respect to university teaching and education. What is more, it is the new digital home of the blog “Idea Workshop – Teaching Quality” (“Impulswerkstatt Lehrqualität”).

Photo: kasto/Fotolia

The portal is aimed at all instructors and should be a helpful resource for them when it comes to simplifying their daily work and ensuring the quality of teaching. The offering pools information from the university’s central administration. There are seven categories: “Teaching & Testing,” “Advising & Coaching,” “Career Promotion & Further Education,” “Innovation & Scholarship Opportunities,” “Evaluation & Quality Development,” “Administration & Legal,” as well as “Materials, Infrastructure & Others.” At the moment, the site contains around 40 entries on different topics ranging from pooled examination regulations to the Campus-Management-System HISinOne to recommendations on dealing with students who have come to their lecturer seeking help, for example, with questions about gaining career-oriented skills, integrity in research, or sexual harassment. Teachers are also provided with opportunities for continuing and further education and award programs.

Over time, the site will be augmented with new entries. About 20 new topics are currently being prepared. Among these are entries containing information about dealing with fear of examinations or doubts about university studies, encouragement to use e-learning formats, and an overview of what services the library offers for obtaining literature, help with research, or providing course reserve shelves. The portal also provides a new location for the blog “Impulswerkstatt Lehrqualität” (“Idea Workshop – Teaching Quality”) in which instructors recount their teaching experiences. The blog will be renamed “Notizblog Lehre” (“Teaching Notes’ Blog”) when it moves to the Teaching Information Portal.

The portal is a joint project of the Departments of Knowledge Management and Instructional Development (LE).

 Teaching Information Portal