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promote & commit

promote and commit

Foundations, funding organizations, alumni, and friends of the university – they all do their part to help students and young researchers at the University of Freiburg realize their full potential.

The newest foundation at the University

The newest foundation at the University

The Grünewald Zuberbier Foundation will distribute funding for the first time this year

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Improving Automotive Safety Restraint Systems

Improving Automotive Safety Restraint Systems

The Dr. Kurt Steim Foundation annually presents an award for the promotion of young academics working in sports medicine, orthopedics or trauma surgery

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A College of Wisdom

A College of Wisdom

Evidence in University Chronicles indicates Sapienz (Kerer) is Freiburg's oldest foundation

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The Courage to Make Difficult Decisions

The Courage to Make Difficult Decisions

Ralf Dieter is one of Germany's most successful managers – his credo is "leading by example"

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Attracting Sponsors and Students

Attracting Sponsors and Students

The University of Freiburg has opened a liaison office in North America

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Greater freedom to learn and live

Greater freedom to learn and live

The German government and private sponsors help high-performance students via the Deutschlandstipendium scholarship

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