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Let your ideas shine

Funds for teaching projects on start-ups

Freiburg, Nov 09, 2017

Let your ideas shine

Photo: Sandra Meyndt

Instructors and students in all disciplines at the University have the opportunity to obtain funding for projects on start-ups.

Photo: Sandra Meyndt

The University of Freiburg has established a fund for teaching projects on start-ups. The goal is to initiate classes and further projects and measures relevant to start-ups with a direct connection between a course of study and teaching at the beginning of the course of study. Instructors and students in all disciplines at the University are eligible to apply. Projects in the humanities and social sciences are especially encouraged to apply. The Ministry for Science, Research and Art Baden-Württemberg is responsible for the 600,000 euro funded project „ZuG: Zugänge zum Gründen – Gründerkultur Erlernen. Erleben. Entwickeln.” (AtS: Access to Start-ups – Acquiring, Experiencing, Developing a Start-up Culture.)The head of the AtS project is responsible for selecting the projects to be funded. The contact person is Dr. Markus Strauch, Coordinator for Teaching and Continuing Education at the Freiburg Academy of Continuing Education (FRAUW).


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