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experience & get involved

experience and get involved

Experience a campus that is colorful, entertaining, and informative: The University of Freiburg provides its students, staff, and faculty an environment in which it is a pleasure to study, to research, and to live.

Laura the Teddy Bear Goes to the Doctor

Laura the Teddy Bear Goes to the Doctor

At the Teddy Bear Hospital, medical students treat stuffed animals for children in Freiburg.

Laura the Teddy Bear Goes to the Doctor - Read More…

Nights on campus

Nights on campus

On patrol with the University of Freiburg's last night watchman and his dog

Nights on campus - Read More…

Shaping careers

Shaping careers

"Career Day for Doctoral and Post-Doctoral Students 2017" provides information about career chances inside and outside academia

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Reads of a Lifetime

Reads of a Lifetime

Students speak of books that have made a lasting impression on them

Reads of a Lifetime - Read More…

So What Do You Do All Day?

So What Do You Do All Day?

Children come to work with their parents on "MiKi-Day"

So What Do You Do All Day? - Read More…

Exchanging ideas in a relaxed atmosphere

Exchanging ideas in a relaxed atmosphere

The „brown-bag" events from the Freiburg Research Services address PhD and post-doctoral students

Exchanging ideas in a relaxed atmosphere - Read More…

Buy a bike, never push off exams

Buy a bike, never push off exams

Five students offer freshmen tips on how best to master their first semester at the University

Buy a bike, never push off exams - Read More…

Taking to the streets in the name of science

Taking to the streets in the name of science

Ingo Henneberg, co-organizer of the „March for Science“ in Freiburg, invites you to the demonstration

Taking to the streets in the name of science - Read More…

On-the-go support

On-the-go support

Studying as a visually impaired person – how it works and which mobile devices can help

On-the-go support - Read More…