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experience & get involved

experience and get involved

Experience a campus that is colorful, entertaining, and informative: The University of Freiburg provides its students, staff, and faculty an environment in which it is a pleasure to study, to research, and to live.

Launching a career through CORA

Launching a career through CORA

Applications for the program “CORA – Coaching Women for Research and Academia“ by female researchers at the University of Freiburg are being accepted until July 30, 2017

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So that’s how it works!

So that’s how it works!

Using the tagline “Knowledge. Amazement. Participation,” around 60 exhibitors will reveal the secrets of science

So that’s how it works! - Read More…

Security, overtime, and question time

Security, overtime, and question time

University of Freiburg Staff Council General Meeting, 13 July 2017

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The value of talking face to face

The value of talking face to face

The Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies provides information on funding opportunities - using a new format

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Premiere for the summer festival

Premiere for the summer festival

Staff council invites all university employees to the Ganter Biergarten on 29.06.2017

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"Anyone can join in"

"Anyone can join in"

"Wissen+Welcome" is organizing lectures for refugees – and would be pleased to accept more presenters

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Orientation at just the right time

Orientation at just the right time

Freiburg Research Services offers post-doctoral students an expanded program in the summer semester of 2017

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Between Fear and Leadership Cult

Between Fear and Leadership Cult

Two researchers at the University of Freiburg explain how dictators Mao Zedong and Joseph Stalin allowed themselves to be stylized as heroes

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Restore and preserve

Restore and preserve

The Freiburg musicologist Konrad Küster reconstructs how a Luther mass was held in the 16th century

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Protest in a Hawaiian shirt – a no sweat solution

Protest in a Hawaiian shirt – a no sweat solution

Rainer Dausch from the German Seminar wants to demonstrate with his choice of fashion the possibility of changing the timing of the semesters

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