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The city during the Zähring era

Conference in Neuenburg am Rhein on March 9-10, 2018

Freiburg, Feb 26, 2018

The city during the Zähring era

Switzerland during the Middle Ages in the Spiez chronicle of Diebold Schilling the Elder. Source: Wikimedia Commons/

The Zähring nobility has gone down in history as the early and energetic city founders. The first and most prominent case in Freiburg im Breisgau is the construction of the Schlossberg castle in 1091 and trade establishment in 1120 along with additional foundings by the Zähring nobility including Bern, Switzerland, Villingen or Neuenburg am Rhein. During the conference “Archaeology and Urban History during the Zähring Era,” researchers will examine the early phase of city foundings at the time. The aim is to critically review the topic from an archaeological and historical perspective and to re-examine the Zähring nobility in the light of their wider historical context.

Dr. Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut, Minister for Economics, Labor and Housing Baden-Württemberg is the conference patron.