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Female brain, male brain?

The 12. Café Scientifique poses the question as to whether the brain has a gender on September 26, 2017

Freiburg, Sep 12, 2017

Whether the brain shows fundamental differences between women and men is subject for intense debate in neuroscience. The psychologist Prof. Dr. Anelis Kaiser will present an overview of current research and opinions on the matter. She has held the professorship for gender in MINT – mathematics, information sciences, natural sciences and technology at the Faculty of Engineering since April 2017 and is involved in the research in the cluster of excellence BrainLinks-BrainTools. After a brief introduction, she will open up a discussion with the audience what these neuroscientific studies reveal about the brain, but also about society in general.


  • What: Lecture

  • When: September 26, 2017, 8pm

  • The event is open to the general public.

  • No registration is required.

  • The event is free of admission.

  • The lecture will be held in German.