New perspectives through practical application
Freiburg, Sep 18, 2017
Greater practical orientation in classes and more opportunities to gain practical experience during your studies - that is what many students want, according to the latest central survey at the University of Freiburg. The Center for Key Qualifications (ZfS) is seeking to meet this wish in its latest course program for winter semester 2017-18, with a wide range of classes in the areas of management, communication, media, data processing, and foreign languages. Online registration for Bachelor's and Law students opens on 25 September 2017 Registration for the classes which are are open to all students enrolled at the university begins on 10 October 2017.
There are new courses with a practical orientation for instance in management and communication. The Entrepreneurship practical module takes you on your first steps into business independence - with blocks you can choose individually according to your interests and the time you have available. The supradisciplinary module "Service Learning – Engagieren, Lernen, Reflektieren im Einsatzfeld Interkulturalität" combines practical work and learning: Students have the chance to take part in selected initiatives and projects for children, youth, and young adults, or for international students. Parallel to this, they learn approaches and models of intercultural communication, mediation, and project management - and test them during their practical involvement. In an all-day workshop, participants can reflect on relevant ethical questions in the fields of civil society and justice, refugees and migration, intercultural ethics, tolerance and minorities. Participants in the "Verantwortung in der Zivilgesellschaft" seminar in Ethical Philosophy - part of basic studies for teaching-degree students - also attend the workshop.
Further courses which have been in the program for some time also have practical orientation to help students develop professional skills. In the "Personal- und Selbstmarketing für Berufseinsteiger/innen" unit, students learn how to prepare for the demands of professional life. "Grundlagen des Event- und Projektmanagements am Beispiel einer Sonderausstellung" and "Einführung in die Grundlagen des Innovationsmanagements" are management classes with direct links to professional work.
Further classes in rhetoric, presentation, and personal development teach participants to analyze communicative behavior and to improve their personal presentation in public and professional contexts. "Theorie und Praxis der Moderation," "Souverän kommunizieren beim Berufseinstieg" and "Einführung in die Unternehmenskommunikation" take up aspects of this.
Media practice is available from the Media Center training staff: If you have successfully completed a course in the field of media can work as an editor at uniCROSS – in radio, TV, online or multi-media. "Lektorat – Sach-/ Kinderbuch" and "Berufsfeld Verlag und Lektorat" provide insights into professional writing.
"Smartphone und Web-App-Entwicklung für Programmier-Einsteiger/innen" is a response to the development in the world of work of finding information via apps. "IT-Sicherheit für Studium und Beruf" raises awareness of the need for careful use of data and for protective measures. Students learn to design their own projects and apply them in practice in "Print- & Online-Publishing – Grafische Gestaltung in PC und mobilen Geräten" – from the first sketch to the finished product.
Program and further information2
Waltraud Ziegler
Center for Key Qualifications (ZfS)
University of Freiburg
Phone 0761/203-9473
Email: zfs-info@zfs.uni-freiburg.de3