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Political panel survey: Germans feel strongly threatened by current crises

Respondents see a clear division in society, especially when it comes to income and the topic of gender sensitive language

Political panel survey: Germans feel strongly threatened by current crises - Read More…

Invasive gum rockrose threatens cork oaks in Portugal

Invasive gum rockrose threatens cork oaks in Portugal

Cork oaks change their water use strategy under strong competition from gum rockrose, thereby consuming less water

Invasive gum rockrose threatens cork oaks in Portugal - Read More…

Molecular Feedback-Loop for Plant Growth

Molecular Feedback-Loop for Plant Growth

Scientists discover previously unknown mechanism that regulates the growth hormone auxin

Molecular Feedback-Loop for Plant Growth - Read More…

University Administration Outing

University Administration Outing

The Central Administration (ZUV) of the University of Freiburg will have limited availability on 11 July 2022.

University Administration Outing - Read More…

Student "project workshops" on sustainable development launch

Student "project workshops" on sustainable development launch

Applications for interdisciplinary course as part of the "Zertifikat Nachhaltigkeit" (Sustainability Certificate) open until July 12

Student "project workshops" on sustainable development launch - Read More…

Symposium “Mehr Mut!” (“More Courage!”) at FRIAS

Lectures and discussions explore the question of why courageous decisions are difficult to make

Symposium “Mehr Mut!” (“More Courage!”) at FRIAS - Read More…

Four projects with new ideas for university teaching will be funded by the “Freiraum” program

Funding format of the “Stiftung Innovation in der Hochschullehre” (Foundation for Innovation in University Teaching) to be offered on a permanent basis in the future

Four projects with new ideas for university teaching will be funded by the “Freiraum” program - Read More…

University Medal for Bożena Górczyńska

Distinction for historian’s many years of dedication to German-Polish understanding

University Medal for Bożena Górczyńska - Read More…

How crops can better survive floods

How crops can better survive floods

Researchers from Freiburg and Utrecht show which signaling pathways make plants more resistant to flooding

How crops can better survive floods - Read More…

Deep Learning helps improve gene therapies and antiviral drugs

Team led by bioinformatician Rolf Backofen develops algorithm to identify anti-CRISPR protein

Deep Learning helps improve gene therapies and antiviral drugs - Read More…