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SARS-CoV-2 detection in 30 minutes using gene scissors

SARS-CoV-2 detection in 30 minutes using gene scissors

Researchers of the University of Freiburg introduce biosensor for the nucleic acid amplification-free detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA

SARS-CoV-2 detection in 30 minutes using gene scissors - Read More…

Two ERC Starting Grants awarded to University of Freiburg

Awarded for research into photochemical processes at a molecular level and into social interactions in the digital space

Two ERC Starting Grants awarded to University of Freiburg - Read More…

Previously unknown monumental temple discovered near the Tempio Grande in Vulci

Previously unknown monumental temple discovered near the Tempio Grande in Vulci

Archeologists from the universities of Freiburg and Mainz identify one of the largest known sacred buildings of the Etruscans

Previously unknown monumental temple discovered near the Tempio Grande in Vulci - Read More…

Germany’s happiness level has risen slightly

Bernd Raffelhüschen from the University of Freiburg presents the “SKL Glücksatlas 2022” (“SKL Happiness Atlas 2022”)

Germany’s happiness level has risen slightly - Read More…

How Cells Find the Right Partners

Researchers at the University of Freiburg discover that the affinity between cells can control complex developmental processes

How Cells Find the Right Partners - Read More…

Ambrosia beetles breed and maintain their own food fungi

Ambrosia beetles breed and maintain their own food fungi

Experiment at the University of Freiburg provides first evidence of a bark beetle species’ agricultural capability

Ambrosia beetles breed and maintain their own food fungi - Read More…

New international sustainability ranking: The University of Freiburg ranks third nationwide

The University of Freiburg demonstrates convincing commitment to sustainability in strategy, research, education and knowledge transfer

New international sustainability ranking: The University of Freiburg ranks third nationwide - Read More…

Learning and Teaching Day 2022 at the University of Freiburg

Six workshops, two keynotes, a panel discussion, and the presentation of the 2021 E-Instructional Development Awards await participants on November 11, 2022

Learning and Teaching Day 2022 at the University of Freiburg - Read More…

Cytoskeleton acts as cells’ bouncer for bacteria

Cytoskeleton acts as cells’ bouncer for bacteria

Researchers of the University of Freiburg have discovered a previously unknown function of septins in defending cells against dangerous hospital pathogens

Cytoskeleton acts as cells’ bouncer for bacteria - Read More…

Molecular structure of one of the most important receptors in the immune system unraveled

Molecular structure of one of the most important receptors in the immune system unraveled

Researchers from Freiburg and Harvard publish the three-dimensional structure of the B cell antigen receptor, shedding new light on its composition

Molecular structure of one of the most important receptors in the immune system unraveled - Read More…

Event series “The Other Russia” continues

The Tsvetaeva Center at the University of Freiburg and the Research Training Group “Cultural Transfer and Cultural Identity” invite regime-critical intellectuals and artists

Event series “The Other Russia” continues - Read More…