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Conifer cones bear their ages well, and still move it

 Conifer cones bear their ages well, and still move it

Freiburg biologists demonstrate that fossil conifer cones possess the oldest known plant structures which still exhibit movements

Conifer cones bear their ages well, and still move it - Read More…

How Complex Cells Developed

How Complex Cells Developed

A team of researchers provides new insights into the development of mitochondria

How Complex Cells Developed - Read More…

European Campus Receives Prix Bartholdi

European Campus Receives Prix Bartholdi

Minister of Science Theresia Bauer presents the award to the university alliance

European Campus Receives Prix Bartholdi - Read More…

Watching Individual Proteins at Work

Watching Individual Proteins at Work

Research team presents new approach for observing structures and movements of complex molecules

Watching Individual Proteins at Work - Read More…

In Search of Ultraphosphates in Living Organisms

In Search of Ultraphosphates in Living Organisms

Volkswagen Foundation grants researchers at the Universities of Freiburg and Lausanne a total of 100,000 euros in funding

In Search of Ultraphosphates in Living Organisms - Read More…

Biologists Discover Origin of Stomata

Biologists Discover Origin of Stomata

Similar genetic mechanism between flowering plants and mosses is a result of evolutionary conservation

Biologists Discover Origin of Stomata - Read More…

Success for Two Collaborative Research Centers

Success for Two Collaborative Research Centers

University of Freiburg will receive eleven million euros from the German Research Foundation for the approved projects

Success for Two Collaborative Research Centers - Read More…

How Plants Measure Temperature

How Plants Measure Temperature

Research team shows how plants use a light receptor as a thermosensor

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Personalized antibiotic treatment

Personalized antibiotic treatment

Researchers from Freiburg have developed a sensor platform that quantifies antibiotics in human blood within minutes

Personalized antibiotic treatment - Read More…

Studying Curved Spaces

Studying Curved Spaces

Freiburg mathematician Sebastian Goette is awarded funding from the Simons Foundation

Studying Curved Spaces - Read More…

The Dragon Tree as Model

The Dragon Tree as Model

Freiburg researchers receive Materialica Gold Award 2016 for three-legged fiber-reinforced ramifications

The Dragon Tree as Model - Read More…

When fat cells change their colour

When fat cells change their colour

The epigenetic enzyme Lsd1 plays an important role in maintaining brown fat tissue

When fat cells change their colour - Read More…

Academic Pioneers

Academic Pioneers

University College Freiburg celebrates first graduating class of Liberal Arts and Sciences students

Academic Pioneers - Read More…

Protein with Multiple Duties

Protein with Multiple Duties

Freiburg researchers demonstrate how a molecular barrel structure serves various functions in the mitochondria

Protein with Multiple Duties - Read More…

Senate Issues Statement against Xenophobia

 Senate Issues Statement against Xenophobia

University of Freiburg declares its support for pluralism, openness, and international exchange

Senate Issues Statement against Xenophobia - Read More…

1.5 Million Euros for Enzyme Research

1.5 Million Euros for Enzyme Research

Freiburg biochemist Jennifer Andexer receives Starting Grant from European Research Council

1.5 Million Euros for Enzyme Research - Read More…

Green Light for Research Groups

Green Light for Research Groups

Three Freiburg junior researchers receive prestigious Starting Grants from European Research Council

Green Light for Research Groups - Read More…

Deriving Inspiration from the Dragon Tree

Deriving Inspiration from the Dragon Tree

Researchers demonstrate how a branch–stem attachment could serve as a model for technical fiber-reinforced lightweight ramifications

Deriving Inspiration from the Dragon Tree - Read More…

Copying Biomolecules and Maximizing Innovation Potential

Copying Biomolecules and Maximizing Innovation Potential

Research lab receives more than 1.6 million euros from the German Ministry of Education and Research

Copying Biomolecules and Maximizing Innovation Potential - Read More…

Believe It or Not

Believe It or Not

A new study shows that people benefit more from exercise when they believe it will have a positive effect.

Believe It or Not - Read More…