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Evening and late-night activities of young people in Freiburg

An online survey about night-spots and warm-weather evening activities

Freiburg, Jun 17, 2019

Evening and late-night activities of young people in Freiburg

Photo: Patrick Seeger

Summer temperatures invite people to come out in the early evening and to stay out in town until the late hours. Young people, through their presence and range of activities, dominate the scene in public spaces and private places. Nevertheless, still little is known about what young people do at night, how often they go out, and what their preferences and limiting factors are for shaping their evenings.

Prof. Dr. Tim Freytag’s research project "Night Spots" ("Nacht-Orte") aims to make new discoveries about the evening and nightly activities of young people. The city and tourism researcher is working with his team at the University of Freiburg to carry out an online survey in which young Freiburg residents describe their habits, express their wishes, and make suggestions. The survey (in German) is now in its second round. From 17 June until 31 June it may be accessed and completed at

The research project "Night Spots" should aid in establishing better understanding of the activities of young people in an urban setting during the evening and nighttime hours. Freytag explains, "At the beginning of the year, we already carried out the first online survey to get information about evening and nightly activities during the colder seasons." Now he would like to work out what patterns can be observed in how young people shape their evening activities in the summer months, during which outdoor pastimes are much more important and dominant. At the same time, the investigation will examine which factors determine a decision for or against certain options. What is more, the research project should reveal how the activities and offerings in different parts of Freiburg vary.

To supplement the online questionnaire, Freytag and his team will be out and about during the coming weeks to speak to young people at Freiburg’s night spots. The project is also particularly concerned with gathering and bringing the wishes and suggestions of young people into the public discussion of use of public and private night spots in Freiburg.


Background information
The "Night Spots" research project is being supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). In it, Tim Freytag and his human geography team from Freiburg are cooperating with researchers from the University of Montpellier III – Paul Valéry. Research projects concerning "Night Spots" and "Shaping the Urban Night" ("Gestaltung der urbanen Nacht") are being implemented in both cities. The project will end on 31 December 2019.


The online survey (in German) can be accessed via the following link: or by using the following QR-Code:




Prof. Dr. Tim Freytag
Institute of Environmental Social Science and Geography
University of Freiburg
Tel.: 0761/203-8970