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Opening the door to careers and creative processes

Online registration for the program at the Center for Key Qualifications starts on 22.01.2018

Freiburg, Jan 16, 2018

Opening the door to careers and creative processes

The University of Freiburg’s Center for Key Qualifications (ZfS) offers a program of varied courses during the upcoming winter break, courses which will open up new professional fields and inspire you to think and work creatively. Online registration for Bachelor’s and Law students opens on 22 January 2018. The Freie Platzvergabe, which allocates places in the courses, is available to all students enrolled at the University of Freiburg from 6 February 2018.

If you would like to start preparing for the time after your studies, you will find the following courses in the field of management: Bewerbungskompetenzen – mit Erfolg in den Beruf starten (Application skills - Get a successful start to your career), Personal- und Selbstmarketing für Berufseinsteiger/innen (Personal marketing as presentation for new professionals) and Selbstorganisation und Zeitmanagement (Self-organization and time management) will encourage you to develop both personal and social skills.

In the area of communication, writing classes such as Kreatives Schreiben – Schreib- und Erzähltechniken (Creative writing - Writing and narration techniques), Szenisches Erzählen – Charaktere und Dramaturgie (Setting the scene - Characters and dramaturgy) and Museums- und Stadtführung in Theorie und Praxis (Museum and city tours in theory and practice) will motivate you to rediscover your language potential and to use it to various ends.

How can stories be told visually and how can dramaturgical thinking lead to critical discourse? In the classes Von der Skriptentwicklung zum Drehbuch (Script development), Drehbuchentwicklung bei Film, TV und online (Script development for film, TV, and online), and Öffentlichkeitsarbeit mit Social Media (Public relations with social media) allow students to use their own creative potential and to develop an in-depth understanding of  psychological and sociological connections.

In the field of data processing, students can learn to make convincing websites and create imaginative designs in the courses Grundlagen Webdesign (Internetpublishing) (Basic web design - Internet publishing) and Icons, Diagramme, Präsentationen und Co – Zeichen- und Layout-Programme effektiv nutzen (Icons, diagrams, presentations and more - Effective use of drafting and layout programs). Students can also think creatively in Grundlagen der Programmiersprache Python (Basics of the Python programming language).

Program of events and further information


Waltraud Ziegler
Center for Key Qualifications
University of Freiburg
Phone: 0761/203-9473