New program of continued and further education within the university
Freiburg, Jan 19, 2018
Day-to-day work constantly demands new skills. The University of Freiburg seeks to support its employees to gain and build upon new competencies. The Interne Fort- und Weiterbildung (IWB) der Freiburger Akademie für Universitäre Weiterbildung (FRAUW) helps with that aim. It offers a broad spectrum of courses year-round for university employees. The new program for 2018 is out now, and you can register for classes in the first half of the year as of now.
Photo: onionastudio,123RF
You can look at the program online; it is structured over seven fields: Internal know-how/ administrative practice, communication and management, leadership competence, languages, media and IT, technology, laboratory, and work safety, and workplace health promotion. A number of time-honored basic seminars are offered which are key for new employees getting their orientation. And there are many advanced topics available. “We want to provide high-quality courses for our various target groups, and we have exciting new topics in the program,” says IWB head, Ruth Messmer.
The program shows which target group each course is for - managers, administrators, academics, technicians and lab technicians, or trainees. Several seminars are suitable for obtaining the professional office management or intercultural comptence certificates.
Employees at the Pädagogische Hochschule, the Musikhochschule or organizations with official cooperative partnerships with the university may participate in the courses if there are free places left over. Medical Center employees may participate for a fee.
Details on the classes and a chronological overview of the seminars, registration and conditions of participation, as well as profiles of the teaching staff, may be viewed on the IWB website. You can register via the website or by post, using the form available on the website. There you can also find information about other further training options both within the university and elsewhere. Furthermore, possibilities for self-regulated learning are set out in the IWB private study section.
Pascal Lienhard