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A Glut of Ticks in the Summer of 2024

Wildlife Ecologist Prof. Dr. Gernot Segelbacher talks about ticks in a video interview.

Freiburg, Jul 18, 2024


Conditions have been optimal for tick populations in the summer of 2024. There has been lots of rain interspersed with brief periods of warm weather. 

“Ticks are opportunists,” says Prof. Dr. Gernot Segelbacher of the Department of Wildlife Ecology and Management of the University of Freiburg.  “The most widespread species of tick in Germany, the castor bean tick (“Gemeiner Holzbock,” Ixodes ricinus) doesn’t really care if the blood it’s sucking comes from small mammals such as mice, deer, dogs, or humans.”

In the video, Segelbacher explains, among other things where you are most likely to encounter ticks or if walking on wide, well-maintained trails offers protection from them. 

About Prof. Dr. Gernot Segelbacher

Segelbacher is the head of the molecular genetics laboratory of the Department of Wildlife Ecology and Management at the Institute of Forest Sciences of the Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources of the University of Freiburg.  The focus of his research is applying molecular methods to conservation.


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