Gingerbread, lametta, and smelly fir trees
Freiburg, Dec 18, 2017
Where does gingerbread come from? Why is the Nordmann fir the most popular Christmas tree in Germany? And where does the word “lametta” come from? Niklas Luginsland asked five University of Freiburg researchers and in this Christmas quiz presents knowledge from five disciplines. The researchers reveal the correct answers in the relevant video.
Pictures: Konstiantyn, ket4up/both Fotolia. Edit: Sandra Meyndt
How do forestry workers prevent Christmas trees from being stolen?
a) The trees are chained down just before the start of the Christmas season.
b) The trees are painted with smelly oil.
c) The forestry workers personally stand guard over the trees.
Where did the popular spicy Christmas cookies originate?
a) In Nuremberg.
b) In Egypt.
c) In Italy.
The Nordmann fir is the Christmas tree most often bought in Germany. Why is that?
a) The fir is especially cheap.
b) The fir has a lot of branches and needles.
c) The fir has a nice shape and retains its needles a long time.
How long have we celebrated Christmas in its current cultural form?
a) Since the 19th century.
b) Since the 4th century.
c) Since the birth of Jesus Christ.
In many of the nation’s living rooms, lametta hangs on the Christmas tree. Where does the word “lametta” come from?
a) The first manufacturer of this Christmas decoration was called Albert Lametta.
b) Shepherds in Peru decorate llamas at Christmas with fine, glittery threads.
c) From the Italian word for “razor blade.”