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The University of Freiburg aims to promote creativity throughout the entire university and create new networking opportunities and space for all creative minds. The following press releases and articles from the online magazine show ideas, measures, and projects in that field.


Adventurous and slightly anarchic
How to convey knowledge using dance, comics and improvised music
Versatile Intermediaries
The masterʼs program“International Economic Relations”turns students into experts in Franco-German trade
Hey there, neighbor!
For the past ten years researchers from around the world have come to the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies –Sabine Dabringhaus was the first to flip open her laptop there
Understanding the forest
Master’s degree candidates in the “European Forestry” program profit from the bundled competencies of six universities
European Research Foundation
An international Master’s degree in classical studies shows its diversity
A Global Network
The “Day for International Teaching and Learning” shows how students and the university profit from ties everywhere
Jettisoning old knowledge for new
Students of the Social Sciences’ Master’s program investigate the societal impacts of globalization