Using that brain, talking to granddad, helping refugees
Freiburg, May 18, 2017
Fragments from the black box
"I fell in love with my own brain," says writer Annette Pehnt. She processed her experiences over six months as the artist in residence at the excellence cluster BrainLinks-BrainTools - where researchers explore the functions of the human brain. "I came into the project with no knowledge of it," she says - and now that she has found her way around the cluster, the human brain has become, for her, the world's best storyteller.
First Claude, then Lothar
Personal experiences as a source of historical research: Students used "public history" methods to investigate how the Baden administration behaved during the Nazi occupation of Alsace (1940-1944). To this end, they took part in a project on the history of the state ministries in Baden and Württemberg - and published their findings in a blog.
Opening hours for hope
Schwabentorring 2, Friday, 12 noon. It's consultation hours at the Refugee Law Clinic - and initiative by Freiburg Law students who aim to help guide asylum seekers through Germany's bureaucratic jungle. They have already given support to more than 100 people. The work is voluntary, takes up a lot of time, and very little of it counts towards their studies.
Rimma Gerenstein
Uni'leben editor:
University of Freiburg
Phone: 0761/203-8812