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European University

The University of Freiburg aims to establish a European University together with the trinational university alliance Eucor – The European Campus. The following press releases and articles from the online magazine show ideas, measures, and projects in that field.

Cross-border student
Moritz Faist has embarked on a Swiss adventure through the Eucor network
Hard defense, soft on the finish
Researchers in the tri-border region have cultivated grape varieties that can withstand disease-causing fungi
Adapting Semester Dates, Securing Funding
Phillip Stöcks prizes the opportunities that Eucor – The European Campus offers students, but sees a need for improvement
Flourish with Seed Money
For the second time, researchers and teachers at the five Eucor universities can apply for funding – an example from Biology
Thinking, Teaching, and Researching Across Borders
The Deutsche Universitätszeitung (German University Paper, duz) is dedicating a special magazine supplement to Eucor – The European Campus
“A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity”
Hans-Jochen Schiewer, President of Eucor – The European Campus, is promoting the further development of the university consortium into a European University
Foundation stone for the Upper Rhine
The Universities of Freiburg and Strasbourg laid the foundation for today's European Campus