New curricula for a valuable resource
Freiburg, Aug 12, 2015
14 partners from six countries work on finding answers to how various nations can sustainably manage shared water resources. Photo: Sandra Meyndt
Clean water is a valuable resource – yet what do nations need to consider in order to manage it in a sustainable way and to prevent conflicts over its use? The project "Trans-regional environmental awareness for sustainable usage of water resources", in short TREASURE-WATER, wants to find answers: headed by University of Freiburg Biologist Prof. Dr. Ralf Reski, it will be supported by the European Union (EU) with almost one million euros within the new "ERASMUS+" framework. Aim of this programme is to intensify the exchange between European Universities and those in EU neighbouring countries, to internationalise the education of students und to develop new curricula following best practice principles. Graduates will benefit from improved professional qualifications. The project is due to start in October 2015.
The TREASURE-WATER consortium consists of 14 partners with Universities in Germany (Freiburg), Greece (Athens, Thessaloniki), the Netherlands (Nijmegen) and England (Wolverhampton). Of the EU neighbouring countries five Russian Universities are participating from Siberia (incl. Altai, Tomsk and Tyumen) as well as two Universities from Kazakhstan (incl. Astana). Large-scale water suppliers "Zweckverband Bodensee" and "Tyumen Vodokanal" are also supporting the project. In particular Lake Constance (Bodensee) with its neighbours Germany, Austria and Switzerland is regarded as an internationally recognised model for the peaceful and sustainable usage of water. The Russian Federation and Kazakhstan also have water resources in common. With the funded exchange between lecturers and students the similarities and differences in the nationwide use of lakes and rivers will be compiled and evaluated. The results will then be integrated into students' education.
"All the partners are very happy with this award to our consortium", says coordinator Reski, "in particular with respect to the current political situation in the European Union and its surrounding areas." In addition, the project can further consolidate Freiburg's focus on "sustainability".
Of the 515 applications received an international jury recommended 140 consortia for funding. Freiburg's TREASURE-WATER proposal was praised by the reviewers among other things, because the University of Freiburg had already in the years 2010 until 2013 successfully managed a consortium, also headed by Reski, with the title "Qualifications Framework for Ecology and Environmental Management (QualFEEM)" within the EU TEMPUS Programme.
Prof. Dr. Ralf Reski
Chair Plant Biotechnology
Faculty of Biology
University of Freiburg
Phone: +49 761 203 6968
Printable version (pdf) of the press release.