Ash Cloud over Europe
Research Group at Department of Applied Mathematics Wins Prize for Interactive Computer Simulation
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Press Releases 2013
Bees Can Be More Important Than Fertilizer
Experiment confirms that insects play a key role in the pollination of cultivated plants
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Press Releases 2014
Biological Model for Industrial Fertilizer
Team of researchers identifies the core of the FeMo Cofactor
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Press Releases 2011
Birch Helps Wounds Heal Faster
Freiburg pharmaceutical researchers elucidate the effect of a natural extract
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Press Releases 2014
Carnivorous plant catapults prey with snap-tentacles
Biologists of the University of Freiburg describe a new capture mechanism
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Press Releases 2012
Cause of Cystic Kidneys Explained
Freiburg graduate student identifies novel gene responsible for cystic kidney disease in children
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Press Releases 2013
Center for Legal Questions on Security
Network at the University of Freiburg Aims to Increase the Visibility of German Security Research in Europe
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Press Releases 2013
Cholesterol Boosts the Memory of the Immune System
Freiburg Research Team Demonstrates Why Cells React with Increased Sensitivity to Recurring Pathogens
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Press Releases 2012
Climate Change and Marine Mammals: Winners and Losers
Study on the Effects of Global Warming on the Diversity and Distribution of Whales, Dolphins and Pinnipeds
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Press Releases 2011
Control of Cellular Recycling Pathways
Researchers shed light on the highly organized and complicated regulation of cellular turnover
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Press Releases 2013