Major Award for an Immunologist from the University of Freiburg
Michael Reth has been awarded a 2.24 million Euro Advanced Grant from the European Research Council
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Press Releases 2012
Green Buildings with Eco-Friendly Foams
Materials Scientist Marie-Pierre Laborie Receives Distinction “German High Tech Champion”
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Press Releases 2012
With broccoli against infections
ERC awards Freiburg scientist Andreas Diefenbach a1.5 million Euro “Starting Grant”
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Press Releases 2012
European Campus Receives Prix Bartholdi
Minister of Science Theresia Bauer presents the award to the university alliance
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Press Releases 2016
The Dragon Tree as Model
Freiburg researchers receive Materialica Gold Award 2016 for three-legged fiber-reinforced ramifications
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Press Releases 2016
Let There Be Light
Freiburg physicist Frank Stienkemeier awarded 2.3 million euros from European Research Council
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Press Releases 2016
BIOSS Accepting Applications for Award for the Promotion of Women
Cluster of Excellence BIOSS Helps Launch Careers with Barbara Hobom Prize
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Press Releases 2011
Design Award for High-Tech Helmet
Freiburg Research Team Receives Internationally Recognized “red dot award”
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Press Releases 2011
Electricity from Blood Sugar
Forum for Applied Microsystems Technology Awards 2011 FAM Research Prize to Dr. Sven Kerzenmacher
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Press Releases 2011
Successful presentation at the FameLab
Scientist from Freiburg qualifies for national finals
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Press Releases 2011