How Alzheimer’s Peptides Shut Down Cellular Powerhouses
Freiburg biochemists discover new mechanisms of the brain disease
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Press Releases 2014
Implantable Cuff with Electrodes
Freiburg researchers develop new method for lowering high blood pressure without side effects
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Press Releases 2014
Insight into the Architecture of Life
Freiburg Researchers Discover Supporting Pillars of the Structure of Cellular Power Plants
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Press Releases 2011
Learn to the rhythm!
Nerve cells acting as metronomes are necessary for certain memory processes
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Press Releases 2011
Less sulfite in wine
Researchers from the University of Freiburg clarify structure and function of new enzyme that reduces sulfite even faster
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Press Releases 2015
Lynx Take Lunch Breaks
An international research team recorded and analyzed the activity patterns of 38 wild cats over the course of months
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Press Releases 2014
Mapping the Brain
Freiburg Researchers Use Signals from Natural Movements to Identify Brain Regions
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Press Releases 2013
Mitochondria Separate Their Waste
Freiburg researcher shows that cellular power plants collect and break down damaged molecules
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Press Releases 2013
Molecular Switches in the Cellular Power Plants
Freiburg Researchers Discover a New Basic Principle of the Architecture of Mitochondria
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Press Releases 2012
Moss beats Human
Simple moss plants outperform us by gene number
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Press Releases 2013